Computer Science 1

This is my webpage for computer science 1. We
are studying C#. Its my first year of computer
science and my goal is to get familair with C#
and get prepared to start learning more complicated
coding languages. You can dowload the projects down below
by clicking on the image and then click open with Zip Extractor
to get the zip file, then you can extract the file on your computer
and run the program

Help Page


In this project, we begin to learn the basics of computer science, by learning how to use buttons, change fonts, colors and background colors.

Mailing Label


In this project, we learned how to print user input into labels.

Car Rental


In this project, we used what we learned from the mailing project and printed user input on labels, we also calculated results based on user input

Car Rental Upgrade


In this project, we learned how to use check boxes and add options to the user, allowing them to choose which options they want.



In this project, we coded for calculating the body max index of a person and being able to tell how fit they are

Dice Roll


In this project, we learned how to use random number generators and calculate the odds of a dice roll

Vegas Craps


In this project, we used what we learned from the dice roll and created a vegas game. We learned how to make players win based on the number generator



In this project, we learned how to display information in message boxes based on the user`s choices, this allowed us to make a sales summary for the user

Slot Machine


In this project, we learned how to compare values and determine a winner in a lottery game, we also learned how to create a currency system to play the game

Rock Paper Scissors


In this project, we learned how to compare values in order to determine the winner of rock paper scissors, and even learned how to create a computer opponent

Fish Tank


In this project, we learned how to use arrays and move a single image through an array of pictureboxes

Fish Tank 2d Array


In this project, we learned how to use 2d arrays and created a fish tank where a fish can move up and down, and we learned how to code for a predator to attack the fish



In this project, we created a tic tac toe game, and used tags and loops to check for winners



In this project, we used loops to display mathmatical equations in labels

Basic AI


In this project, we learned how to take the value of keys and map them onto a picturebox, we then created an enemy to follow and attack the player

Basic AI Upgrade


In this project, we added on to the basic ai by adding a scoring system and a timer, we also made it so the enemy slowly drains the players health and the player can now shoot



In this project, we used loops and arrays to move pictureboxs in order to create a realistic fish tank

Aquarium Upgrade


In this project, we added new features like a predator and a fishing boat on top that would occasionly catch fish



In this we practiced our Number Arrays and used text boxs to display a large amount of numbers

Final Project


In our final project we used what we had learned this year to create a video game, for my project I created a street fighter/ mortal kombat game called Pepe Fighter